Durham, NC
We are dedicated to the sport and equity in athletics. We desire to be a part of a movement that focuses on influencing the social determinants of health for Durham’s youth.
We are dedicated to the sport and equity in athleticism. We desire to be a part of a movement that focuses on influencing the social determinants of health for Durham’s youth.
The goal of the Girls in Leadership Academy is to help our participants increase their: self-awareness, confidence, sense of community, understanding of health & wellness, positive experiences with peers & adults in a school setting, & desire to lead in their own communities.
Girls in 6th to 8th grade
GLA will meet twice a week over a 9 week session. Leadership classroom sessions will be implemented once a week on Thursday evenings through a discussion based curriculum developed in partnership with the Penny Pilgrim Women’s Leadership Initiative at Duke. Participants will also participate in futsal training sessions on Sundays.